Korean Parents Neglect Real Child for Virtual One
The South Korean parents have been neglecting their three month old baby.
The parents have completely lost their focus on reality and playing the online
game PRIUS for hours, while heaving the task to “raise” a virtual baby online, but yet leaving the real baby alone for hours, neglecting it with food, and care, while creating a different virtual world. The baby starved to death. This is a shocking story, supporting my theory that media can create a virtual fantasy world, and is often misunderstood. With this event I want to show that video games do have an impact on people’s behaviour, even though the game had nothing to do with violence or were it kids that were playing, you can see that even adults can be affected, and here a child had to be the victim. But is not the child a victim in many other cases? Being neglected by their parent’s, being exposed to violence on a daily basis, given so much information and decision making that a child needs to understand and handle.
“there's no certain clinical indicator to define 'game addiction' but our study shows that brain PET [scan] images of suspected online game addicts are very similar to that of a cocaine addict.” Dr. Kim Sang Eun, of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
As we see from this report it is shocking how much more realistic these games are becoming to capture the audience, not only more real, but more violent, the level of violence is almost not existent. Anything from murderer, shooting, rape, robbing, is provided, the variety of these violent games are extreme. Where are the values we should teach our children in these video games? If the Korean couple has become so fixed on a video game's Ideology that is not the reality, why would we want our children to become in danger the same way? Sometimes the hours spend on these games are frightening, playing a game that can virtually give you anything you desire in violence, children could as the Korean couple, forget about the “real world”.
G4.(2010,March 5).korean couple neglects real baby to raise a virtual one.by Stephen Johnson [Image]. Retrieved from http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/tag/3305/other-peoples-misfortune.html
CBSNewsOnline.(2007,October 30).Katie Couric's Notebook: Violent Video Game (CBS News)[video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDi5X6sN_JA
GamePolitics.(2010, March 4). Korean Parents Neglect Real Child for Virtual One. Retrieved from gamepolitics website:http://www.gamepolitics.com/2010/03/04/korean-parents-neglect-real-child-virtual-one
Joohee Cho.(2010, March 4). Game Addicts Arrested for Starving Baby to Death. Retrieved April 15,2010, from ABCNews International website:http://abcnews.go.com/International/baby-death-alleged-result-parents-online-games-addiction/story?id=10007040
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